Welcome to sm motion control, your partner in the world of automation!
With our expertise in control, drive components and software, we realize movement for your machines. Our commitment is to every project, big or small, and our passion is to simplify processes. With us there is no minimum purchase, just quality and reliability from the first order.
What can we do for you?

You know exactly what movements your machine needs to realise, but don’t know how? We make it possible: with our control systems, drive components and our software knowledge.
Bring us your mechanics – we automate them.

Our passion is automating, optimising and simplifying processes. You can count on our reliability and quality starting with your first order.
With us, there is no minimum order quantity when it comes to Automation.

You have an innovative idea of a machine or line? We would be pleased to realise your complete project from scratch including the mechnical parts.